
Liberty Slots Casino

Playing in tournaments is one of the best ways to make some quick money when you show them what you got, after you’ve been playing slots for a while and can do it fast. And next thing you know you’re at the top of the tournament leaderboard ready to collect up all the prizes. The great thing about tournaments, is that they are easy to participate in and they usually have latest video slots games that have tons of features and great graphics. To play in the tournaments, you will need to set up an account, make a deposit and collect your welcome bonus. Then you can head on over to the casino lobby and see what they have for the wide range of tournaments. You will see the long list of daily, weekly and monthly tournaments to start with. To register for any of the Liberty Slots tournaments, all you need to do is click on the tournament button in the casino lobby, review the list of available events, make your pick and sign up using the 'Register' button. Remember that tournaments end promptly at the published time. Any hands, spins or bonus features in play at the point at which the tournament ends will not complete and the outcome will not apply to the final result of the event. Only completed hands, spins and bonus features will count towards the final outcome. Prizes are awarded directly into your casino balance within a few minutes of the tournament ending. Then it will be up to you to join in another tournament and see if you can take the top of the leaderboard once again. You will also have to decide which game you want to play as well, as you will be hitting that spin button for a while, so it’s best you like the game and all it’s animations, special effects, characters, features, sounds and music that will make it an entertaining experience.

Casino tournaments and how they work

The actual tournament process is pretty simple and you can get in there and start to play immediately. Every tournament runs for a set length of time and they are usually broken down into daily, weekly and monthly tournaments. They will be focused on a specific game and there will be a start time and a length of time when you can play. When the tournament ends the game is closed and replaced by a final leaderboard which shows you everyone's final scores. While the tournament is running you can login and play and logout again as many times you like. Of course, if your credits ever reach zero it's "game over", and you will be unable to continue in the tournament. It all depends how fast you are when playing the game and how many times you can hit that spin button. The credits will keep adding up and you will begin to move up the leaderboard. Other players will be competing with you and that’s what makes it so exciting. There is never a boring moment when you’re hitting that spin button and you’re watching the credits add up, especially when you start moving up that leaderboard, then it gets exciting by the minute.

Stay in the tournament on your mobile device

Let’s face it, we know you’re busy and have places to go, but want to stay in the tournaments you’ve entered and are playing in whether it be daily, weekly or monthly. No problem, you can take the games with you. All the video slots games that are in the tournaments are mobile friendly and that means you can stay in the game wherever you are and keep moving up the leaderboard. The good news is that the majority of all video slots both the 3 reels and 5 reels all work well on desktops, laptops, tablets and mobiles, so do most of the online slots tournaments. You can play on iPhones, iPads, Tablets, Samsung devices, Microsoft, Android and Blackberries. No matter what device you’re on or where you are the tournaments will continue and so will your chances of winning the big jackpots. Just imagine winning a tournament as you’re waiting for your flight, hanging out at the beach or just camping with friends this summer? You still get all the same great graphics and play features on any mobile device which is great.

Casino Tournament Prizes

Depending on the tournament you’re in, that will determine the prizes you will be able to claim. The dailies will range from $100, $200, or a percentage of the pot. So it depends on how many people are playing and that will affect the prizes that players will win. Another factor to look at is whether they are a daily, weekly or monthly tournament. You will see that the monthly tournaments can range between $1,000, $1,500, $2,000 or even in some cases $5,000! If you want to go for the big prizes then it’s best to get into the monthly and keep up the momentum. The leaderboard is updated about every 60 seconds, so that will give you a great idea on where you are in the race. The best thing to do is figure out what your stamina will allow, because for some the daily tournament would be the enough, and for some the weekly is about right. Usually the weeklies will have the pot as the prize and that will just keep going up with the more people that are playing. If you think you can keep the pressure up all month long, then go for the monthly and take your mobile device with you and the games that are in the tournament will most likely be mobile friendly and that way you can keep those reels spinning wherever you are in the world. Imagine winning a monthly tournament and all that cash when you’re traveling this summer to exotic locations, or sitting at the beach watching the sunset? It can happen if you spin those reels and keep the momentum going throughout the tournaments.

How to get your prizes

Once you have finished the tournament and you have been notified that the tournament is over. At that point you will have to quickly look at the leaderboard and see where you are at. Remember, you have to be a real money player to be able to qualify to be in the tournament. If the money is not deposited into your account immediately after the tournament, contact customer service as they will have the answer for you. Also, they will send out an email to all those who participated in the tournament and that will let everyone know who won and what they won. If you won a daily tournament, you can always get back into another tournament the same day and see if you can keep the good work going and win another one.

Make every spin count

The thing about being in tournaments is that you have to maintain your the stamina and keep those reels spinning so you can stay at the top. It’s good to have a cup of coffee or some energy drinks close by so when fatigue sets in you can have a drink while you’re spinning and that will give you an edge. Other players will be feeling the fatigue too, especially if it’s a weekly or monthly tournament, so you will be just like them and it will be up to you to pace yourself and make sure you stay at the top of the leaderboard and reap the rewards when the tournament ends.